Friday, April 7, 2017

You Are Not In Control

It began with a cough on Tuesday. By Wednesday I was feeling worse. By Thursday, I had a fever, canceled all my commitments, and stayed in bed. The dreaded flu! I usually get a flu shot, but never got around to it this year.

I say to God, “Really? You let me get sick just before Holy Week? The busiest time of the year?” And I hear Her respond, “You would rather you were ill during Holy Week?” That quiets me as I humbly offer apologies and thanks. He has a point.

In the meantime, with my poor fevered brain only at half-mast, I must rely on the wisdom of others this week. Upon hearing that I was sick, a kind parishioner emailed me: “there is always some kind of lesson that comes out of times like this.  The obvious one is: we are not ultimately in control of our lives. I was going to wish you a speedy recovery, but the truth of the matter is that the flu is going to last as long as it wants to last.... So rather than wish you a speedy recovery, I wish you a blessed and fruitful sickness.”

What an unusual blessing, and yet it warms my heart! She is right. We save ourselves a lot of grief by accepting what is, accepting our limits, and learning what we can where we are placed, even if it doesn’t match our plans. So I am doing my best to ensure a fruitful sickness, even amidst the tissues and aches. This I do primarily by counting my blessings and recognizing that I am not in control – God is. So this day I wish you all blessedness and fruitfulness wherever God has placed you in this moment.